Saturday, October 10, 2009

Medieval Europe

We have just finished our unit on Medieval Europe. I hope everyone enjoyed the unit as much as I did. I just wanted to share some websites with you. I hope you enjoy.

Life in the Middle Ages- an introduction to various aspectes of life during the Middle Ages
Coat of arms samples - Look up your family's coat of arms by searching for your surname (lastname) on the left side of the page. It is a website that sells stuff with your family coat of arms, so just ignore all of the products.:)

And some games you can play:
Pretend to be a Medieval Doctor and guess treatments for different illnesses.
History interactive games - including: Fling Your Teacher, Hangman- where you save Henry VIII
History games from BBC - includes a simulation of building a pyramid, making a mummy, and raiding a village by Vikings
Build your own castle
Catapult- attack a castle interactive game


  1. Boy I can't compete with this, i sure enjoy your hard work Mrs. D.

  2. This is some of your best work ever!

  3. i like penelty shootout from the history interavtive games
