Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Natural History Museum

Check out the link to the Natural History Museum. I hope everyone had a great time!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So a couple of weeks ago in class I showed the blabberized version of the Magna Carta. I have had requests to put it up here so that students can see it over and over and over again. This way I don't have to show it in class, over and over and over again. So enjoy!

Magna Carta blabberize

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Medieval Europe

We have just finished our unit on Medieval Europe. I hope everyone enjoyed the unit as much as I did. I just wanted to share some websites with you. I hope you enjoy.

Life in the Middle Ages- an introduction to various aspectes of life during the Middle Ages
Coat of arms samples - Look up your family's coat of arms by searching for your surname (lastname) on the left side of the page. It is a website that sells stuff with your family coat of arms, so just ignore all of the products.:)

And some games you can play:
Pretend to be a Medieval Doctor and guess treatments for different illnesses.
History interactive games - including: Fling Your Teacher, Hangman- where you save Henry VIII
History games from BBC - includes a simulation of building a pyramid, making a mummy, and raiding a village by Vikings
Build your own castle
Catapult- attack a castle interactive game